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Is Finance the Heart of your Company?

  • October 18, 2019 2:31 PM
    Message # 8064620

    Blood is CASH!

    How important is blood to your body? You die if you lose too much! In business, blood is cash. If you lose too much cash, then your business body dies. My last article talked about the 3 Core Functions your business needs: Sales/Marketing function = Respiratory System; Operations function = Digestive System; Finance function = Cardiovascular System.

    This article will focus on the importance of your Finance function in your business body . . . Cash = Blood!

    Don’t have a heart attack in your business. Keep your financial system strong!

    What is a Business Heart Attack?

    My father had a heart attack last week which brings these points close to home for me. After a stent procedure, he has recovered and doing well. Thank God! I love you, Dad! My father is very active but has a lot of plaque buildup in his arteries, primarily due to heredity and some due to his diet. So I better watch my own diet! Continue reading......

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