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What Business Owners Assume About Financial Planning Hurts Them

  • October 17, 2018 7:29 PM
    Message # 6777501

    One of the most important goals of Exit Planning is to position business owners for post-exit financial security. To do that, business owners and their advisors must have several pieces of information: how much the business is currently worth, how much money the owner will need to live the post-exit lifestyle they choose, and which non-business assets the owner has.

    In our experience, business owners tend to overestimate how much their businesses are worth, overestimate how much their investment portfolios will grow, and underestimate the amount of money they need after they exit. Unless a financial planning expert tells them otherwise, many business owners often try to exit their businesses using faulty information. Consider the example of Lynn Setum, a business owner who nearly courted disaster by making incorrect assumptions about her financial planning.  Continue reading......

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