There are six reasons why GenXers won’t buy your business.
Last week I presented a webinar for the Exit Planning Institute entitled “The Perfect Storm.” It looks at six factors impacting the desire and the ability of Generation X buyers to acquire a Baby Boomer business.
The first three, demographic, psychographic and sociographic, are macro trends that make Xer’s unlikely to buy any business that requires capital or more than full-time commitment. .
The last three factors, Regulation, Disintermediation and Entitlements, describe why all businesses are harder to sell today than they were even ten years ago.
The presentation is a bit long (38 minutes), and the quality isn’t perfect.(My apologies for the “dings” when viewers check in. That wasn’t controllable on my end.) None the less, if you are an advisor to owners, or an owner who is planning to sell, you might want to watch this data-based approach to the market forces you’ll deal with.
View on vimeo here:
This post was originally published on my exit planning blog, Awake at 2 o'clock?