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Beware of Personal Financial Hazards Part 5

  • May 28, 2021 11:55 AM
    Message # 10569383

    You Have Options

    What if you could create a source of cash that could
    help you avoid the need to sell important illiquid assets,
    or liquidate investments in a down market?
    What if you could create a large pool of assets outside your estate and, outside the reach of the IRS?
    What if there was a strategy that would allow the
    entire value of your estate to pass to your family, undiminished by the effects of the estate tax?
    What if you could set up a strategy that was free of
    income tax, gift tax, estate tax, generation-skipping
    transfer taxes, and state taxes?
    What if there was a way to create the dollars needed
    in the future for pennies on the dollar today?

    Click on the attached pdf to continue reading.

    1 file
    Last modified: May 28, 2021 11:56 AM | Anonymous
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