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Top 5 Articles of 2016!

  • August 18, 2017 8:23 AM
    Message # 5035251

    Thank you to my readers! Here are my top 5 articles with the most views in 2016. Hope you get some valuable insights on how to be better leaders in running your business in 2017 and beyond!

    #5 – Culture Without Habit is Non-existent! You’ve defined your Core Values! So why doesn’t your Culture reflect those values? Simple, the values are not ingrained in your Processes. In order to change a culture, behaviors need to become a habit. What defines great championship teams? Answer: their habits which result in a championship culture.  Read more.

    #4 – The Profit – What Marcus Lemonis Got Right! In the TV series, The ProfitMarcus Lemonis goes into businesses to help owners get more out of their business. He focuses on the 3 P’s (People, Process, Product). It’s different from my model since his 3rd component is Product, but that’s another future blog post! However, we do agree that the most important in this trinity is People. His show always starts with the business owner’s strengths and shortfalls. Read more.

    #3 – Your Attitude, not your Aptitude, will determine your Altitude! The employees of an organization are the most important asset, which includes the owners. In a recent blog, I mentioned that the business body has 3 main components: People, Process & Infrastructure. It starts with People. How important is the People component? Without People, nothing happens! With the wrong people, bad things happen. With the right people, good things happen. It’s as simple as that. Read more.

    #2 – Even the Most Talented Teams Fail Without Process! Simply put, without Process, the talents of your organization are not deployed. Imagine a very talented individual that has the brain power and the values that could crush the competition. But those talents and values don’t ever get communicated to the rest of that individual’s body, rendering that body useless. Those talents and values represent the People in your organization. But if you don’t have the right processes in your company to utilize that talent, then you’re wasting resources (and the potential of your people) and competition will eat you up. Action requires a process. Without Process, nothing gets done. Read more.

    #1 – The Best Business Model – Surprise! It’s Not an Existing Business! Why do businesses intentionally inflict wounds on themselves? Isn’t that what we do when owners know there’s a problem, but don’t do anything about it? Or we know we need to do something but don’t know where or how to start, so we don’t act. It’s like when we inflict wounds on our own body when we know something isn’t right, and we ignore it thinking it will go away. Read more.

    Thanks for reading my articles in 2016. Wishing you the best year ever in 2017!

    To Your Business Health!

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