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Two Deal Terms Buyers Should Avoid Like the Plague

  • May 31, 2016 12:43 PM
    Message # 4049327

    So you’re putting a deal together to grow your business by acquiring another company?  Or think you might be in the future?  Eager to avoid making a big blunder when negotiating with your seller? 

    To get you started in the right direction, here are two key deal terms you should avoid like the plague.  One comes up early in the process when youre negotiating a term sheet, and the second relates to the earnout arrangement that is included in many deals.  Take 5 minutes to read this post – you wont regret it, and it might just save you from a big mistake:  http://gettingdealsdone.net/two-deal-terms-buyers-should-avoid/

    As always, feel free to leave comments for me on the blogsite or contact me directly with questions.

    Helping you get deals done, successfully!

    All the best,


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