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Starting the Acquisition Process: A Handful of Quick but Critical Tips

  • March 30, 2016 8:25 AM
    Message # 3918855

    So you’ve decided to grow your business by acquiring another business – but where do you go from here?  What do you need to be thinking about?  Worrying about?  Taking care of?  

    To get you started, here are a handful of tips that come out of real life experiences I’ve had in the course of completing many, many acquisitions over more than two decades:    http://gettingdealsdone.net/starting-acquisition-tips/

    This blogpost could help you make some smart decisions and avoid some “beginner” mistakes, SO CHECK OUT THIS BLOGPOST NOW.  And, of course, feel free to leave comments for me on the blogsite or contact me directly with questions.

    Helping you get deals done, successfully!

    All the best,


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