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Profitability: Do You Know How to Get it?

  • July 14, 2021 9:16 AM
    Message # 10750600

    Have you ever cooked something that just didn’t turn out right? Either you missed an ingredient or put in the wrong proportions. You cooked it too long or not long enough. I recall recently that I was trying to grill some really thick steaks. Two were supposed to be medium rare and two were supposed to be medium. I got all 4 medium and the people that wanted medium rare (despite the reading on my temperature probe) got medium instead. They were a little overcooked. 

    Guess what? The same principles apply to running a business. Every business owner wants a business that’s “cooked” just right, lots of cash flow and profits. But if they don’t have a recipe to follow with ingredients in the right proportions, cooked at the proper temperature, for the right amount of time, it won’t be cooked just right either. Today we’re going to focus on the most important ingredient, profitability

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