HI XPX DC! One of the missions of SunTrust (now Truist) is to help individuals and businesses to gain financial confidence. In the current environment, this is even more important as many folks are feeling uncertain about the future.
I am pleased to offer two online, instructor-led programs for businesses to present to their employees.
- The FDIC's MoneySmart series covering a range of different topics, for audiences both young and old. (no cost)
- Truist's Momentum OnUp is an in depth financial management program for companies with at least 50 employees. (nominal fee applies - but presented at cost)
Both programs are available to customers and non customers as part of our commitment to building and inspiring better lives and communities. There's no sales pitch, and no products will be discussed.
If you know any business owners who would like to help their employees gain confidence about their finances in the age of Covid, sent me an email!