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Congratulations to Morris W. Banks, a member of the law firm Pullman & Comley in Hartford, was honored by the Trib’s Lifetime Achievement Award

  • October 12, 2017 4:38 PM
    Message # 5311229
    XPX Content (Administrator)

    At a dinner sponsored by the Connecticut Law Tribune on October 3, 2017, Morris W. Banks, a member of the law firm Pullman & Comley in Hartford, was honored by the Trib’s Lifetime Achievement Award which recognized Moe’s many years of practice as a transactional lawyer and also his many community involvements including his serving as the President and then chairman of the Connecticut Opera Association and more recently as the president of the Greater Hartford Arts Council. Moe is also a long time member of the executive committee of the Tax Section of the Connecticut Bar Association and served as its chair from 1994-1996. Moe also served on the adjunct faculty of the UCONN Law School having taught Business and Tax Planning to hundreds of students from 1981 to 2016. He also participated in numerous presentations on corporate and tax related matters  to the Connecticut Bar Association and the Connecticut Society of CPA’s as well as to other professional and non -professional groups.

    Morris W. Banks


    90 State House Square    
    Hartford, CT   06103-3702
    p  860 541 3303   f  860 424 4370
    mbanks@pullcom.com    •    www.pullcom.com

      •  Bio  •  Directions


    Last modified: October 12, 2017 4:47 PM | XPX Content (Administrator)
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