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Vistage Speaker, Compelling Communications/WHY Coach, Workshops

  • September 16, 2016 3:54 PM
    Message # 4253679

    Excited to share that I have been added to the Vistage Speaker Roster (and will travel for speaking and client engagements).  Presentations are dynamic and highly interactive, with powerful takeaways.

    Driven to create an impact, I help forward-thinking, excellence-seeking leaders compel ideal customers, clients, investors as well as your teams to Buy In & Buy, Sign On & Stay and increase your Profitability, Productivity and Customer Spending (Wallet Share) metrics.  My WHY-infused Compellications (compelling communications) approach has a profound, virtually immediate impact on leadership, team building, and employee engagement. Together we produce compelling, repeatable languaging that compels your internal and external audiences to commit to, and advocate for, your success.  

    Website is under construction. Please see www.linkedin.com/in/bethperlberman  240.560.8946.  beth@compellications.com

    Last modified: September 16, 2016 3:59 PM | Anonymous
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