I'm part of a team at Arnall Golden Gregory LLP that has been analyzing recent stimulus legislation, particularly the small business-focused portions. We've received numerous questions from clients about the the Paycheck Protection Program, a $349 billion loan program that makes (potentially) forgivable loans available to small business at 1% interest.
We've prepared this Q&A on the Paycheck Protection Program. It's tailored to businesses and may be helpful your clients. New guidance on the program has been coming out on a daily basis since Thursday, so it’s been hard to keep up. But the attached should cover on substantially all of the new guidance at some level
I'd appreciate if you'd share it as you feel appropriate.
Here are selected comments from the amazing group of advisors at last week's Advisor Exchange addressing:
RSI & Associates, Inc.
361/994-8095 x200
During this crisis, we have redirected the efforts of our entire firm to focus on helping business owners survive by applying for an SBA Disaster Loan.
We are offering our guidance ‘free of charge’ and only charging the business owner if they engage us to actually perform the application process on their behalf and/or package the required information for processing.
Feel free to give our information to your client, so we can help them start the process.
We have composed a list of last week’s topics (with links) and a schedule of this week’s topics (with the link to access them daily, as well.) These are all 10-20 minutes going over things that may relate to your business going forward.
John Jakovenko discusses the HR 6201 bill and how it can affect you as a business owner or an employee.
Kris Campbell discusses the Force Majeure Clause: Who has to pay?
Jonathan Sparks presents: Mindset: It's not a crisis, it's an opportunity to win!
Adam D'Anella presents: Court closures and how it affect YOUR case!
This week’s topics are:
Tuesday 3/24 - Workers Comp: How to save 7.5% today
(This one was done today, link provided below)
Wednesday 3/25 - Furlough: Partial Unemployment Claims
Thursday 3/26 - Family First Coronavirus Act Update
Friday 3/27 - Essential Handbook Polices For Your Company
We do these daily webinars Tuesday through Friday at 12pm EST. They can be streamed live on our Facebook where we always provide the Zoom room link, as well.
The room link this week is:
For resources to protect your business and employees from the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, visit Gallagher’s Pandemic Preparedness page. https://www.ajg.com/us/pandemic-preparedness/
Our videographer from the XPX New England Summit last week Shawn Mills has started helping families who need to limit funeral attendance by videotaping the ceremonies.
(Shawn is also helping us develop videos of the Summit for an upcoming XPX broadcast - stay tuned)
Using Zoom during the crisis? I learned in this article in the Washington Post that spammers (ever the innovators) have started jumping into meetings and sharing their screens with porn photos. Here are two things I'm doing to protect our meetings:
The covid crisis is a challenging time for us all and we want to stay in touch. For many, XPX is an important place for peer-to-peer contact and learning. There’s a lot to learn every day. Please use this forum to post resources, questions, stories, requests.
Feel free to share your name, company, city and state.
As a courtesy during the crisis, we invite
both members and non-members to post