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Certified Sales Leader Training - Atlanta (Aug 24 - 27)

  • July 20, 2021 3:44 PM
    Message # 10764081

    Certified Sales Leader Training

    Who: Certified Sales Leader, taught by an instructor with 35+ years of sales leadership experience

    What: sales leadership training, focusing on the skills a Sales Leader needs to succeed in leadership role.

    When: August 24 - 27 - 3.5 days

    Why: Improve you leadership skills, increase revenue and gain coaching techniques and tools

    Who to contact:  Please reach out with any questions

    Scott Siegel - Beacon Sales Advisors - ssiegel@salexceleration.com - 978-881-4069

    Dan Mahony - Transcendent Sales Solutions - dmahony@salesxceleration - 404-660-6646

    1 file
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